Monday, March 28, 2016

The Descent Into Insanity, One Shower at a Time

I swear, every time I need to take a shower on the weekends, the following happens in this exact order.

I literally announce to everyone I'm going to take a shower. "Mommy is going to take a shower." Oldest spawn grunts because I interrupted his computer game. The littlest one wants cookies, water, a hug, and can I pleassseee find his little blanket RIGHTNOW? We come to terms in our negotiation that he will not interrupt me if I meet all his conditions. Boyfriend agrees to make sure the offspring are still alive when I get out.

Finally, I get in the shower. My eight minutes to myself. Ahhh. About two minutes in, suddenly there is NO water pressure or hot water. Apparently, mom getting in the shower means everyone needs to:

- Start the washing machine
- Flush all the toilets
- Hand wash dishes in the sink
- Start the dishwasher

WHAT. THE. FUCCCKKKK. And this is why mommy flies out of the shower naked, with a head full of shampoo, in a rage. Reason number 534 I am insane.