Monday, March 6, 2017

Boys Boys Boys

My first child was a girl and seemed like an easy baby.  I honestly hardly remember the first year (more than likely due to lack of sleep).  It's amazing how much you forget from the first baby to the second.  I also never realized how little I knew about boys.  Sure, some things are similar to all babies but baby boys have their own quirks.

Like all babies, they seem to ALWAYS poop in a freshly changed diaper.

My top five things I never knew before having a baby boy:
  1. Their man parts are like mood rings.  They seriously change color constantly for no reason.  Of course I had to ask my husband every time I saw a new color and he would just laugh at me.
  2. While diaper changing they can pee at any moment and in ANY direction.  Those teepee covers do not do anything and using a washcloth or wipe is easier.
  3. They seem to always touch themselves (I have mostly been warned about this as he grows).
  4. Diaper changes - with a girl it is easy, wipe front to back.  With a boy you have to move things to clean them.  No one tells you about all the crevices in boys' teeny-tiny walnut-like testicles.
  5. They can be "standing at attention" at any given time.  It doesn't mean anything; it just happens and I am always afraid I will get peed on in the face or worse...the mouth.  Be sure to tuck that shooter down.

I am told as he gets older this will grow - we are only at 3 months so I can only list what I have experienced thus far.

For those who said boys are easier than girls...I beg to differ.

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