Thursday, November 19, 2015

TBT: Semantics

Amy and I have decided to do our own version of Throwback Thursday. We'll recount older stories of our spawn and feelings we had related to pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting.

Today, I throwback to approximately a year or so ago, when I had the following exchange with Teenager (who was not yet a teenager) G.


Me: G, please take your clothes out of the washing machine and put them in the dryer.

G: Okay (goes downstairs and does that).

Me, a little while later: Okay, are your clothes done in the dryer? You should take them out and fold them and put them away.

G (blank look): What do you mean? They're still wet.

Me: WHAT? WHY? Didn't you put them in the dryer?

G: Yes.

Me (slowly realizing what happenend): G, did you... turn the dryer on?

G: No, you said to put my clothes in the dryer. You didn't say to turn it on.


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