Friday, November 20, 2015

Thankful to be Blessed or Something Like That

Every year for the past few years we sit and watch our social media newsfeed flood with daily thankful posts.  Is it just us or are these effing annoying?  Are those of you who do these only thankful in November?  Why don't you feel the need to express your thankfulness and gratitude the rest of the year?  We won't post on Facebook and join the masses but here is our take on top 25 things I am thankful for...

I am THANKFUL for:

  1. Tampons - honestly without them the whole world would be a bloody mess!
  2. Condoms and birth control - because some people just should NOT reproduce.
  3. Inspirational quotes and photos like the above - Don't the leaves give it SO MUCH more meaning?  I mean I wouldn't be able to express my feelings without something like this!
  4. Memes. Without them, how would I be able to properly express myself? Words? No pictures?
  5. Facebook, for reminding me how smart I am and how dumb most of my 'friends' are (and racist, and xenophobic, and bigoted, and HOLY SHIT PEOPLE)
  6. What number are we on?
  7. Ugh
  8. Yeah, so, about that 25...
  9. Alcohol. Any of it. All of it
  10. PIZZA.  It never lets you down.  It always delivers.  It doesn't talk back. It is good warm or cold.  Always satisfying.  Good plain or with toppings.  Pizza doesn’t cheat on you, it doesn’t lie.  Pizza is always there for you when you are drunk or sober. 
  11. My significant other for walking the dog, taking care of the kid... HAHA JUST KIDDING. Why the effff do you have to give your partner a special call out for doing the things they should be doing anyway? I want a fricken medal for the shit I do every day that no one thanks me for. You know, for being an adult. If we're going to push for equality, stop acting like your S.O. doing the basic things any parent/adult should do is a hashtag BIGDEAL.
  12. means EVERYONE in the house gets a full night of sleep.
  13. Vague thing I'm thankful for, with even more vague follow up comment, so people will ask 'what's wrong?'
  14. Autocorrect - For always keeping my on my ties and making me look like a ducking iceberg.
  15. That this is our own person blog so we don't have to do numbers 15-25. You can't make us!

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