Thursday, November 19, 2015

There is No One Here by the Name "Mom"

I have two boys, ages 3 and 13. I also have migraines. Those things may or may not be related. But I digress. I take medicine daily to prevent them (the migraines; the BC I'm on should prevent more spawn). However, I do occasionally get what is known as a 'breakthrough' migraine. When that happens, nothing touches it. About the only thing I can do is lie down and wait for it to pass.

Baby L and Teenage G, however, have decided that is not always possible. Though I lay in the living room where they are, and ask G to get his brother a snack if L asks, or play with him, well, that cramps Teenage G's teenage style of sitting around. So, this is how I wish those afternoons could go, more or less:

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