Monday, March 6, 2017

Boys Boys Boys

My first child was a girl and seemed like an easy baby.  I honestly hardly remember the first year (more than likely due to lack of sleep).  It's amazing how much you forget from the first baby to the second.  I also never realized how little I knew about boys.  Sure, some things are similar to all babies but baby boys have their own quirks.

Like all babies, they seem to ALWAYS poop in a freshly changed diaper.

My top five things I never knew before having a baby boy:
  1. Their man parts are like mood rings.  They seriously change color constantly for no reason.  Of course I had to ask my husband every time I saw a new color and he would just laugh at me.
  2. While diaper changing they can pee at any moment and in ANY direction.  Those teepee covers do not do anything and using a washcloth or wipe is easier.
  3. They seem to always touch themselves (I have mostly been warned about this as he grows).
  4. Diaper changes - with a girl it is easy, wipe front to back.  With a boy you have to move things to clean them.  No one tells you about all the crevices in boys' teeny-tiny walnut-like testicles.
  5. They can be "standing at attention" at any given time.  It doesn't mean anything; it just happens and I am always afraid I will get peed on in the face or worse...the mouth.  Be sure to tuck that shooter down.

I am told as he gets older this will grow - we are only at 3 months so I can only list what I have experienced thus far.

For those who said boys are easier than girls...I beg to differ.

Monday, March 28, 2016

The Descent Into Insanity, One Shower at a Time

I swear, every time I need to take a shower on the weekends, the following happens in this exact order.

I literally announce to everyone I'm going to take a shower. "Mommy is going to take a shower." Oldest spawn grunts because I interrupted his computer game. The littlest one wants cookies, water, a hug, and can I pleassseee find his little blanket RIGHTNOW? We come to terms in our negotiation that he will not interrupt me if I meet all his conditions. Boyfriend agrees to make sure the offspring are still alive when I get out.

Finally, I get in the shower. My eight minutes to myself. Ahhh. About two minutes in, suddenly there is NO water pressure or hot water. Apparently, mom getting in the shower means everyone needs to:

- Start the washing machine
- Flush all the toilets
- Hand wash dishes in the sink
- Start the dishwasher

WHAT. THE. FUCCCKKKK. And this is why mommy flies out of the shower naked, with a head full of shampoo, in a rage. Reason number 534 I am insane.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Meal Planning Made Easy

Do you struggle with meal planning?  I used to hate it and enjoyed making dinner based on what I found at the market that day.  Those were the days before kids.  The days when I worked in NYC and came home to my highrise apartment and stopped at the market on the first floor of my building.  Sigh, I miss NYC and Hoboken.  I digress...

Meal planning became more important to me after having a tiny terrorist...errr tiny human.  It meant I would know what I was cooking and how much time I needed.  I have looked several places for ideas to do menu planning.  What works for me best are the following:

  • Have a menu posted in the kitchen somewhere. Some ways:
    • Dry Erase Board on the fridge
    • Chalkboard on the wall
    • Some pinterest craft success for a meal plan - like these

  • Make your grocery list and meal plan at the same time. 
    • I like this template from Taylor Gray Designs. You can save and print the pdf from her site.

Stick to your plan best as possible. Sure kids get sick or too busy with after school activies - then go to a staple and shift your menu slightly.  Soon you will notice you are saving time and money by planning.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Menu Monday Jan 18-24

If you have (or had) a toddler then you know getting dinner on the table quickly after coming home from work is important. I swear my tiny human is ravenous as soon as we walk in the door and it's not even 5pm. I have tried various things from making fast dinners to cooking everything on Sunday's and reheating. It seems to be faster to cook and prep everything on Sunday's. 

Tip of the week: If you freeze food, make a list of what is inside so that you know what you have and don't waste anything.

Be sure to click the hyperlinks for recipes.  Not all are mine and I am sure to link to the appropriate site(s).

My menu for this week I have planned:

Chicken and Vegetable Fajitas

*To make this quick and easy I use Frontera Classic Fajita Skillet Sauce

Hamburger Macaroni Soup


Acorn Squash with Apples

Cheeseburger Cups
Green Beans 

*Yes, I am trying out one of the Tasty Recipes

Pizza out

London Broil
Spaghetti Squash
Brown Sugar Carrots

Baked Stuffed Cod
Sautéed Zucchini
Yellow Rice

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Daycare Closings

Let's get serious.  I understand that everyone deserves a day off.  But WHY does daycare have to close on Federal Holidays? Can't they rotate who has off?

Some reasons I feel they should stay open:
  1. I am paying for a whole week of daycare.
  2. I would LOVE a day to grocery shop, clean, workout - without having a tiny human stuck up my A$$
  3. I would love to sit on the couch and do nothing or nap.
  4. When do moms get a day off?
Woohoo for my 3 day weekend.  I still have to make my own dentist, doctor, hair appointments all during the work week so that I don't have to pay a babysitter on top of daycare.

*I LOVE my kid and love spending time with her, I just want a day off from everything

Monday, January 11, 2016

Menu Monday Jan 11-17

I don't know about any of you but having worked the first full week last week since before Thanksgiving I am already tired.  This week I am relying on some staples and some convenience items.

Tip of the week: Buy produce seasonally and meal plan around the produce.  You can incorporate any protein with whatever vegetables you have on hand.  Try new vegetables you may not have had before or try making them a different way.

Be sure to click the hyperlinks for recipes.  Not all are mine and I am sure to link to the appropriate site(s).

My menu for this week I have planned:

Parmesan Chicken with Roasted Potatoes and Garlic Green Beans

To make a fresh dinner fast I am using Campbell's Dinner Sauce for the Parmesan Chicken

Potatoes - Use the small ones, wash and toss in olive oil and sprinkle with some rosemary and sea salt.  Roast at 350 for 30 minutes or until a fork can easily be inserted.

Green Beans - Par boil and then saute in a pan with some olive oil, fresh minced garlic and some sea salt.


Enchiladas and Salad

I do a variation of this recipe and will post it mine the next few weeks.

Sausage and Pepper Pasta
*Instead of pasta, I am substituting spaghetti squash

Breakfast for dinner - Scrambled Eggs, Pancakes, Bacon

Date Night - Dinner out

Marinated Pork Chops, Baked Sweet Potatoes, Peas

We are HUGE fans of the Dale's Marinade.  We use it for Beef, Chicken, Pork and even Shrimp.

Sausage & Pepper Pasta

Who doesn't love sausage, peppers and onions?  As it is cooking, the smell is intoxicating.  Usually it is made with marinara or tomatoes and served with pasta on the side but I like to switch it up and make it as a one-pot dinner for something fast and easy.

Prep: 10 min 
Cook: 20 min
Serves: 4

Sausage and Pepper Pasta

8 ounces dried pasta (penne, farfalle, rigatoni)
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 pound Italian sausage, casings removed
2 large red bell peppers, cut into ½” pieces
1 large onion, sliced
2 cloves garlic, minced
3/4 cup beef broth
1 teaspoons fine sea salt
½ teaspoon black pepper

Cook the pasta according to package directions, drain and set aside.

Meanwhile, heat 1 tablespoon of the olive oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. Add the sausage and cook, breaking it apart with a fork or spatula, until it's browned and cooked through, about 10 minutes. Remove sausage to a bowl and set aside.

Return to the skillet and add the remaining olive oil.  Add the peppers and onion and sauté until tender, stirring occasionally – about 5 minutes.  Add the garlic and cook, stirring continuously – about 1 minute.  

Return the sausage to the pan and add the cooked pasta and broth.  Add the salt and pepper and bring to a simmer and cook 5 minutes.  

Remove from heat and serve in bowls. 

You can top with chopped parsley or Parmesan cheese if you like.