Sunday, January 17, 2016

Menu Monday Jan 18-24

If you have (or had) a toddler then you know getting dinner on the table quickly after coming home from work is important. I swear my tiny human is ravenous as soon as we walk in the door and it's not even 5pm. I have tried various things from making fast dinners to cooking everything on Sunday's and reheating. It seems to be faster to cook and prep everything on Sunday's. 

Tip of the week: If you freeze food, make a list of what is inside so that you know what you have and don't waste anything.

Be sure to click the hyperlinks for recipes.  Not all are mine and I am sure to link to the appropriate site(s).

My menu for this week I have planned:

Chicken and Vegetable Fajitas

*To make this quick and easy I use Frontera Classic Fajita Skillet Sauce

Hamburger Macaroni Soup


Acorn Squash with Apples

Cheeseburger Cups
Green Beans 

*Yes, I am trying out one of the Tasty Recipes

Pizza out

London Broil
Spaghetti Squash
Brown Sugar Carrots

Baked Stuffed Cod
Sautéed Zucchini
Yellow Rice

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