Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Daycare Closings

Let's get serious.  I understand that everyone deserves a day off.  But WHY does daycare have to close on Federal Holidays? Can't they rotate who has off?

Some reasons I feel they should stay open:
  1. I am paying for a whole week of daycare.
  2. I would LOVE a day to grocery shop, clean, workout - without having a tiny human stuck up my A$$
  3. I would love to sit on the couch and do nothing or nap.
  4. When do moms get a day off?
Woohoo for my 3 day weekend.  I still have to make my own dentist, doctor, hair appointments all during the work week so that I don't have to pay a babysitter on top of daycare.

*I LOVE my kid and love spending time with her, I just want a day off from everything

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